Tag Archives: Eloqua vs. Marketo

Eloqua vs Marketo: Which is Better?

Eloqua is a Ferrari, Marketo a Lamborghini

What do you think about Eloqua vs Marketo?

This is a popular question that people have been asking me for years so I am writing a blog post with a more full answer since usually I am only able to explain for 60 seconds in person.

The answer is… both are “good” …it depends! And alot of people are biased including myself. (I lean to the system that I am best at). Though I am less biased than most people since I have used Eloqua, Marketo and Pardot.

Marketing Automation Automates Processes. Before making technology choices, think about how well you have defined your demand generation processes. None of these softwares happen automatically. You need to build decent processes and bring in great people to build, optimize and support them.

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