Tag Archives: marketing automation

The 10-Step Guide to Huge Lead Boost with Proper Marketing Data Hygiene

An organization with a strong commitment to data quality can produce nearly 70% more revenue than a company with only average data-quality procedures. Sirius Decisions

Data is what gets you in the door with your customers. So getting to know your buyers’ data needs will allow you to segment users and personalize your marketing campaigns.

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Just the Stats: Marketing Automation in 2015 (Part 2)

In Part 1 of this series, we looked at the state of play, the market, and the growth of marketing automation in 2015.

In Part 2, we’re going to take a look at the impact (measurable gains) of marketing automation on adopters. How many more qualified leads are passed on to sales? By what percentage do sales increase? How much more time do adopters have to focus on other things, like content marketing?

We’ll also look at the challenges facing adopters and non-adopters today, and what they want most out of their marketing automation software.

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Your Startup Needs Marketing Automation Today

Business that haven’t implemented any kind of marketing automation probably haven’t done so because they associate it with the words “really expensive.” Surely a startup running on a shoestring budget couldn’t possibly afford such a complex, automated software solution?

Actually…that isn’t the case at all. In fact, that way of thinking is just wrong. (And unprofitable.)

Your startup needs marketing automation today. Here are 5 reasons why.

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10 Ways Great Business Leaders Use Technology

Today, business and technology are linked in a way they never were before.

That is why it’s essential for business leaders to understand technological innovations. It’s the only way we’ll figure out the best ways to utilize and seamlessly integrate tech into our businesses. Great business leaders understand this essential truth and are constantly seeking to upgrade their technology.

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Marketing Automation Replaces Salespeople?

“There will always, one can assume, be the need for some selling. But the aim of marketing is to make selling superfluous. The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well that the product or service fits him and sells itself.” – Peter F. Drucker

Half a century later in 2015, how prophetic have Peter Drucker’s predictions been? Amazon is already old hat in the B2C marketing automation narrative, and Alibaba is doing the same for B2B wholesale. These giant companies have completely replaced their marketing and sales departments with efficient, market-automated websites that do all the heavy lifting for them. And the result has been skyrocketing revenue.

Marketing automation replaces sales? Surprisingly, the answer isn’t a simple yes or no.

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Ask CXOs: Do CEOs Want Marketing Automation?

If you read Part 1 and Part 2 of my Just the Stats: Marketing Automation in 2015 series, you’d know that CEOs and business owners are excited about marketing automation. So excited, in fact, that they’re 25% more likely to be involved in a marketing automation software purchase than other business software purchases (Capterra, 2013).

Do CEOs want marketing automation? Yes. The question is why.

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Ask Sales: Why Does Marketing Automation Help?

In Part 1 and Part 2 of my Just the Stats: Marketing Automation in 2015 series, I went over marketing automation at length and explained how and why it works with detailed stats. But it might be a lot to take in all at once, which is why I’m writing this two-part Ask series.

Earlier this week, I explained why CEOs are excited about marketing automation. Today, I’m going to do the same for Sales. While the answer might seem obvious (i.e., marketing automation leads to better sales), the truth is a lot more specific, and measurable, than just that.

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