Tag Archives: Topliners

10 Eloqua Rookie Mistakes That You Might Be Making

Eloqua Rookies often look like Homer Simpson using Eloqua in a Nuclear Plant. Here are 10 common Eloqua Rookie Mistakes.

New to Eloqua? If so, make sure you don’t look like Homer Simpson at the Springfield nuclear plant. Here are 10 common Eloqua rookie mistakes.

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Alp Mimaroglu: Eloqua Certified Modern Marketing Luminary

Alp Mimaroglu was one of the first marketers to be named Eloqua Certified Modern Marketing Luminary on July 8th, 2014.

“Eloqua Certified Modern Marketing Luminary” is the highest degree of Eloqua certification that one can obtain. A prerequisite of becoming a Eloqua Certified Modern Marketing Luminary is having completed all Eloqua University classes. Which is roughly 35+ classes, 2 tests, hands on test and blog post. Eloqua Luminary certification launched in April of 2014.

Only 29 people achieved Eloqua Luminary status in 2014, meanwhile the lower level certificate had over a 1000 people completing the “Eloqua Master.” Eloqua Luminary takes alot bigger effort and skill to complete than any other Eloqua certification.

To learn more about how you can become a Eloqua Luminary please see Topliners. Having membership to Eloqua University is required to complete any of the Eloqua certifications. Anyone that is serious about using Eloqua at the hands on level should enroll in Eloqua University.

Eloqua University: Marketing Luminary 2014