Tag Archives: email marketing

5 Predictions for Email Marketing in 2015

Email stopped being the little brother to advertising more than a decade ago. And in the ten years since, it’s grown up in a big way.

As we covered in our last post (Billions of Emails: 5 Marketing Insights), around 204 billion emails are sent per day on this planet. When you pause to take in the sheer enormity of that number (and the potential customization marketing automation could bring to bear), the future looks very bright.

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Billions of Emails: 5 Email Marketing Insights

Back in 2012, 144.8 billion emails were sent each day. And according to Radicati, that number has jumped up to 204.1 billion per day. Those are absolutely incredible numbers.

But more importantly, that’s a lot of data. Combing through billions of business emails has given us marketers a lot to think about. How should we be thinking about email in 2015? Let’s look at the stats to find out. Here are 5 key email marketing insights from 2014.

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7 Tips to a Powerful Email Marketing Strategy

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Email marketing is one of the most powerful forms of marketing. If you’re not using it, you’re leaving a pile of cash on the table.

Don’t believe me? Marketing Sherpa’s benchmark survey found that over 60% of organizations feel that email produces ROI come budget time. Specifically, every dollar spent on email marketing generates an ROI of $40. Which means email has higher conversion rates compared to traffic from search and social media combined.

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