Tag Archives: lead scoring

Want Better Lead Nurturing? Follow These 5 Rules

“Lead nurturing.” It’s such a soft, sterile phrase, isn’t it? If this were the 90s, it would be the sort of thing you might say to your spouse about a promising Tamagatchi pet. Everything about it is mechanical, tactless, and genuinely distasteful.

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Marketing Automation Lead Scoring Tutorial

Lead Scoring
• Identifies where the lead are in buying process
• Helps with better resources alignment in your company
• Better aligned sales and marketing teams
• Allows better follow up of priority leads

Lead scoring is a shared sales and marketing methodology that helps sales people prioritize there focus on the lead database with more sales-ready leads. This makes better alignment so there is better followup and allows you to identify where each prospect is in the buying process. Usually the handoff happens after “Marketing Qualified Lead” (MQL). A MQL is at the lead score you define it to be at.

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